News | Snacks | Sweet Treats

Episode 1, SWEET COMBOS / 7 days of SWEET SNACKS,

Jacqueline Alwill

Brown Paper Nutrition

Tune in this week on Instagram as I share my 7 DAYS OF SWEET SNACK SERIES, and take you day by day some nutrition considerations when it comes to sweet snacks, food combining, sweet snack hacks, cool recipes and more.


I want you to understand how best to create your sweet snack moment so that you’re not ravenously going back for more.

TODAY’S SWEET SNACK TIP : is to consider how you can team your sweet ingredient, whether this is a piece of chocolate or a piece of fruit with some PROTEIN and / or (but preferably both) FIBRE.

🍫 If CHOCOLATE is your vice, and you know you reach for it at a certain time of day or when you’re needing the mood boost, then be smart about it and team it with a PROTEIN source such as a piece of cheese, nuts and seeds, or a nut butter, and if you can some fibre too e.g. nuts and seeds cross over both protein and fibre, whilst popcorn in the mix, or rolled oats in cookies for instance, adds additional fibre!

🍌 If it’s FRUIT (which is sweet but contains fibre already) then think about the protein source to go with it – greek yoghurt, nuts and seeds again, cottage/ricotta/cheddar cheese, or another savoury protein rich food such as hummus, biltong, or crunchy chickpeas.

✅ FOOD COMBINING of SWEET (CARB) with the PROTEIN and FIBRE helps to slow the release of the sugar into your blood stream (fibre you lil rippa!) and simmers down your hunger (thanking you kindly, protein), keeping you fuller for longer.

This means you’re far less likely to overeat your sweet snacks, because the balance of nutrients help you feel more satisfied.

You can eat it, enjoy it and move on.

*Love sweets but want to get savvy on making them with whole food ingredients? In my recently published e-book SOMETHING SWEET I take you through all the sweet treats, desserts and snack recipes that have been most popular over the years of Brown Paper Nutrition so you can recreate them yourself. Grab it today via the SHOP ($15.99AUD)*