
Something Sweet E-Cookbook


In “SOMETHING SWEET” you’ll uncover the incredible variety of uses for whole food ingredients in your fridge and pantry, so you’re cooking resourcefully, and you’ll learn how to transform these ingredients into delicious whole food treats, snacks and desserts. With recipe options including gluten free, dairy free, nut free, plant based, raw and of course baked treats that any cook (beginner to advanced) will adore. “SOMETHING SWEET” provides a simple, wholesome, fibre and healthy fat rich, natural and nutritious approach to enjoying your sweet treats.

Treats can 100% be part of a balanced diet. You don’t have to ‘earn it’ or ‘be good’. Discover how to make them with whole food ingredients, master your favourites, and enjoy a treat any day of the week when you feel like something sweet.

What's Included?
  • 10 incredible wholefood slice recipes including raw, plant based and baked
  • 10 epic whole food cookie recipes to satisfy all tastes and pantry supplies
  • 12 wholefood cake and loaf recipes with plenty of gluten and grain free options
  • 5 delicious wholefood muffin recipes including the Original Brown Paper Muffin
  • 3 warming whole food crumbles and cobblers to help you bake beautiful fruit pies
  • 6 frozen whole food delights for ultimate taste and refreshment
  • 4 delightful jelly and gummy recipes to nourish hungry tummies
  • Gluten free, dairy free, plant based, nut free options to suit various dietary requirements.
Something Sweet E-Cookbook