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Day trip itinerary for apple picking in Bilpin

Jacqueline Alwill

Brown Paper Nutrition

One of the loveliest day’s out from Sydney in the crisp Autumnal air is to Bilpin for some orchard visits. This has been a day trip adventure our family has done numerous times now over many years and I feel this small itinerary will help others keen to do the same.


  • Leave from Sydney early around 8am to arrive around 930 at your first stop, Glenbernie Farms, Kurmond This is where you’ll kick off the day spending time in the sunflower fields picking sunflowers and soaking in the morning sun. You’ll need to bring a bucket to pop water in for your flowers to sit for the remainder of the day. Advise also to BYO secateurs for snipping the flowers. You can rent too of course but if you have your own for the family it’ll save on entry cost. Of which, entry is around $6 pp for those over 3 years old, and each flower cut, about $5 or $6 which you pay on the way out. They sold pumpkins and there was a little Turkish cafe in a caravan for snacks and coffee, which we didn’t try but know that it is available.
  • Kurmond is at the bottom of the Bilpin area and Bells Line of Road which is where all the apple orchards are. We’ve visited almost all of them over the years, and some will be open/closed pending supply and seasonality of course. Our favourite Pine Crest Orchard is further up the Bells Line of Road. It’s smaller and if you’re there earlyish (1030-11) less frequented than those further back on the road. It’s nestled down a side street near Bilpin Public School and unlike others has a gorgeous shop selling produce (image below) and home baked goodies for a snack. They had a variety of apples to choose from in the orchard. Again, you pay a small entry fee (a few $) and then pay per kilo of apples picked at the end. Bring your own cloth bags if you can, it all helps the process and packaging. They do have market bags for sale if you forget. I sat on this past occasion for quite some time with my girls outside their small shop letting them play in the cubby house and on the big tractor, which was a hit. Persimmons were also available to pick, and are at most orchards. My understanding is that Pine Crest closes earlier than some other orchards. We have been to TNT as well, it does get VERY BUSY so perhaps it’s a first stop before flowers instead. 
  • Down the road, just before Pine Crest, are a few shops including a Grumpy Baker, which serves up delicious pastries if you haven’t had an apple one from one of the orchards, amazing sausage rolls, and coffee. It’s a trusty stop if you’re needing some food – other than apples of course.
  • Once you’ve done your apple / flower picking, had time to peruse little vintage stores and other places you might like to stop and hang around Bilpin, then head to Hill Billy Cider Shed for an afternoon pizza and drink. It’s a huge venue, with plenty of seating and space for kids to run about (plenty of dirt too so be prepared – more clothes or a dirty ride home!). Their wood fired pizzas were epic and if you’re one for a tasting of cider then they are the most reputable in the area.
  • That will close out an easy day with enough to do, lots of great eating and beautiful fresh country air. If you’re looking for an overnight, the Blue Mountains is around the corner and new walks have just opened, making viewing easier for families etc. Or stay at our favourite Little Hartley where if you can book 2 nights in (it’s in demand) The Black Barn – truly gorgeous.